Comprehensive xIoT Security Management for Manufacturing
Key benefits of the Unified xIoT Security Management Platform
See every manufacturing xIoT device. Secure every manufacturing xIoT device.
100% Safe
Simple & Fast
100% Visibility
Monitor Anything
Log Anything
Remediate Your Way
The challenge
OT, ICS, and IIoT systems are an essential and mission-critical part of manufacturing organizations. But because they were historically air-gapped, they have fewer built-in protections and are more vulnerable to attacks and ransomware. And the lack of scalable, cost-effective, and prevention-based ICS security solutions means that securing these cyber-physical systems and assets is a slow, complex, error-prone, costly, and manual process due to legacy passive discovery solutions’ resource and infrastructure dependencies.
xIoT Visibility:
Legacy passive discovery solutions depend on network monitoring to perform discovery, resulting in limited visibility, inaccurate inventory, long mean-time-to-inventory, infrastructure dependencies, and high network performance impact. Legacy active solutions fail with xIoT assets primarily because of their intrusive, brute-force device scanning approaches that result in disrupted or dramatically degraded operations.
xIoT Risk Reduction:
The lack of safe, prevention-based xIoT security solutions at scale means that manufacturing organizations could not locate, identify, and reduce industrial control security risks. These solutions include changing default cyber-physical system passwords or fixing risky configurations on embedded devices.
xIoT Monitoring & Automated Alerts:
One of the biggest challenges for long-term xIoT security in manufacturing environments is ‘environmental drift,’ which inadvertently diminishes device security. Typical causes of device drift include end-users or facilities teams who change strong passwords to weak ones, operations team members and IT administrators who modify device configurations, or insider threats who reset devices to factory settings using the “paper clip reset.”
The Phosphorus solution
Oh. So. Fast.
Oh. So. Accurate.
Complete xloT estate visibility and posture assessment. Phosphorus collects deep, granular device metadata to provide 100% device certainty the first time, every time.
Oh. So. Safe.
Device SAFETY is the foundational characteristic of the Phosphorus platform and approach. No brute-force scanning here. Only safe and intelligent active xIoT discovery using native device protocols.
Monitor Anything
Monitor OT/IIoT device state to detect and alert on configuration or operational drift. Keep an eye on on-site changes, like the ol’ “paper clip reset” or resets to factory settings, while looking for new devices being added to your network.
Remediate Your Way
The power to harden and remediate xIoT device vulnerabilities is at your fingertips. Whether it is default credentials, open and risky ports, or End-of-Life and unsupported assets, harden or isolate devices with full control–ensuring the safety of the entire manufacturing environment.
Common Use Cases
Firmware & Certificate Management

Explore the Phosphorus Unified xIoT Security Management Platform

Discover & identify IoT, OT, and IIoT devices safely and accurately without impacting them.
Assess & show the risk posture of xIoT devices by identifying weak credentials, end-of-life assets, CVEs, expired certificates, or out-of-date firmware.
Continuous monitoring & management of IoT, OT, and IIoT devices detects environmental drift and ensures compliance with existing regulations.
Integrate with existing IT infrastructure like PAM, SIEM, and SOAR for rapid ROI.
Remediate vulnerabilities with complete control at your fingertips while maintaining the care needed in sensitive environments.
See Phosphorus in Action
Request a demo to learn how we can help you secure OT, ICS, and IIoT devices in your manufacturing organizations.