Unified xIoT Security Management Platform
Empowering enterprises to go beyond detection to full xIoT visibility, remediation, and monitoring.
The State of xIoT
Industry's only Unified xIoT Security Management Platform
How does Phosphorus work?
Discover all
Discover and identify IoT, OT, IoMT, and IIoT devices safely, accurately, and without impacting them.
Assess &
Assess and show the risk posture of xIoT devices by identifying weak credentials, out-of-date firmware, EoL assets, or expired certs.
Password & Device Hardening
Take proactive credential and device hardening actions, like changing default passwords, enabling scheduled rotations, & managing risky configurations.Remediate &
Remediate vulnerabilities at scale while maintaining complete control in sensitive and critical environments.
Monitor & Manage
How does
Phosphorus work?
Discover all xIoT
Assess & Identify
Password & Device Hardening
Remediate & Patch
Monitor & Manage
Phosphorus Intelligent Active Discovery
Capabilities at-a-glance
Phosphorus Unified xIoT Security Management Platform
Intelligent Active Discovery
Complete visibility of every IoT/OT/IoMT/IIoT device
First-time and accurate classification
High-resolution device ID and detail
Safely discover even the most sensitive devices
Risk Assessment
In-depth device posture & risk assessment
Identifies issues like default credentials, risky configurations, and more
Identifies all known device vulnerabilities
Powered by the industry’s most extensible, high-fidelity xIoT device intelligence
Password Hardening, Device Hardening & Isolation
Have complete control at your fingertips
Automated device password rotation
Proactively remediate risky xIoT device configurations
Proactively identify and isolate banned or rogue devices
Remediation & Patch Management
Have control at your fingertips to remediate and patch
Automatically upgrade and downgrade device firmware
Automatically validate & update expired or self-signed certificates
Fix & remediate even the most sensitive cyber-physical systems
Continuous Monitoring & Management
Monitor your xIoT devices to detect & alert
Get in-depth alerts for password & device resets
Know when new, unknown, or rogue xIoT devices come online
Extract platform and device activity, alerts & discovery logs
“Operational systems are deployed with their default credentials unchanged,” “Ports on all kinds of systems in all kinds of remote locations are wide open,” and “The number of vulnerabilities continues to grow at the same time as CPS patching remains very difficult."
Phosphorus xIoT Global Device Network
Unique devices
Over 1 million unique xIoT device models covered.
Over 950 different IoT, OT, IoMT, and IIoT device vendors.
Classification rate
Adds net-new xIoT device coverage in a matter of hours.
Get up to speed
Platform Brochure
xIoT Security Management Platform Brochure
IAD Whitepaper
Intelligent Active Discovery Solution Brief Whitepaper
Healthcare Use Case
Healthcare Use Case Whitepaper
Manufacturing Use Case
Manufacturing Use Case Whitepaper
Gartner® Market Guide
Phosphorus included in the Gartner® Market Guide
Phosphorus Labs Report
xIoT Threat & Trend Report - 2022
See Phosphorus in Action
Request a demo to learn how we can help you eliminate the xIoT security gap with the only enterprise xIoT remediation platform.