Simplify your xIoT world

Join the conversation every other Thursday for informational discussions on the world of vulnerable Things.

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First Thursday of the Month @ 3pm ET / 2pm CT / 12pm PT​

IoT, OT, IoMT, oh my! The vast range of xIoT devices being utilized by enterprise organizations today represents a new cybersecurity frontline that affects every industry. One of the biggest challenges for today’s cybersecurity and information technology leaders is having a clear and complete picture of what xIoT devices they have – and then how on earth to fix and manage them. Join the device-obsessed host James McCarthy monthly for informational and candid discussions aimed to simplify the world of xIoT and talk about real-world situations, the worst xIoT offenders, and the state of current threats that cybersecurity and IoT/OT leaders are facing today.
They’ll cover topics like:
Phosphorus LIVE sessions will encourage the sharing of real-world challenges and solutions. We’ll open each 30-minute session by discussing a specific topic and leave time for open discussion and Q&A. 
Factory Takeover: Exploiting & Securing OT/ICS in Industrial and Manufacturing Environments
Join the conversation for a technical deep-dive on the Things that run our lives.

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